Artmatcher Podcast: The Future of Art and Technology

In this episode of the Artmatcher podcastMichael Goodman speaks with Joshua Hashemzadeh about Web3 and the future of art and technology. They discuss famous figures like Logan Paul and the Liver King and the projects they leverage, which impacts the NFT art market.

About Artmatcher

Artmatcher is a social community platform for art lovers, artists, galleries, museums, and events. It connects people with curated social communities, art experiences, and gamified education based on their interests and actions. Using a patent-pending machine learning model, Artmatcher builds a profile for users and recommends tailored content, including art, social experiences, and educational opportunities.

Joshua Hashemzadeh

Studio Hash is a creative studio driven to enrich artist communities and collaborative projects within Los Angeles. This site features purchasable artworks, collectibles, exhibition archives, & more!

The Hand-Crafted Acrylic and Steel β€œColor Ring”


#3. Why Artists Should Care About NFTs?