WTF is a DAO?
What is a DAO and how can they be used to help creators manage brand communities on blockchain? Tune in to find out more or contact Studio Hash for a free project consultation.
What is a DAO?
Decentralized autonomous organizations (or DAOs) are groups or entities that operate without the need for a central authority or leadership. These organizations are typically governed by transparent, immutable rules encoded on a blockchain or other distributed ledger technology.
Web3 DAOs offer a number of advantages over traditional organizations, including improved security, transparency, and efficiency. They also have the potential to reduce or eliminate rent-seeking behavior by aligning the interests of all participants with the goals of the organization.
These attributes translate well when thinking about building virtual creator communities where followers/customers hold democratic input on brands and goods being produced. While also helping fund the overall initiative through their regular consumer purchasing activity.
If you look at contemporary artist collectives of the past you'll find pitfalls around leadership, decentralized operations, and capital funding, all things an artist DAO could address.
You can also learn more about the art collectives mentioned in the video here:
Bahaus -
Black Mountain College -
Fluxus - To learn more about my work as an artist you can check out