Street Screenings: “Indiana Jones & The Raiders Of The Lost Arch”


In the wake of recent political events the presence of a domestic cultural divide has become increasingly palpable. As protest and confrontations grow so do fears of this nation’s cultural values. In moments like these our communities must open lines of discourse to better address and cope with indifference and the atrocities committed in places like Charlottesville, Virginia. I am proposing a local congregation for those frustrated with recent social conflicts and the recent proliferation of neo-Nazi rallies and hate speech. Rather than political march or riot, it is my hope to gather people peacefully by offering a free movie screening within a local public setting. The selected content will be family friendly and reflective of contemporary trends. It is my intent to present the modern American classic, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arch” by Director Steven Spielberg. 


Local residents are invited to watch as the fate of cultural relics are determined by the battle between fictitious academic and treasure hunter, Indiana Jones, and the power-driven Nazi party. As audiences re-live their cinematic nostalgia, they are encouraged to contemplate on-going debates over our nation’s historic monuments as well as the values of those groups who seek to preserve or destroy them. We hope this provides viewers with the ability to connect with others while relieving tensions through open dialogue. A post-screening open forum will be held to allow attendees to vocalize their concerns, questions, or solutions regarding political initiatives and concerns.  

Joshua Hashemzadeh

Studio Hash is a creative studio driven to enrich artist communities and collaborative projects within Los Angeles. This site features purchasable artworks, collectibles, exhibition archives, & more!

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